Your search for: "" produced 584 matches.
George Abraham and Noor Hindi, editors
Michael Abramson
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Ali Abunimah
Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze, editors
Gilbert Achcar
Ray Acheson
Eqbal Ahmad, David Barsamian, and Edward Said
Mizue Aizeki, Matt Mahmoudi, and Coline Schupfer (editors)
Michael Albert
Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali and David Barsamian
Tariq Ali and Oliver Stone
Barbara C. Allen
Devin Allen
Joe Allen
- People Wasn’t Meant to Burn: A True Story of Race, Housing, and Murder in Chicago
- The Package King: A Rank and File History of UPS
- Vietnam: The (Last) War the United States Lost
Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman
Jessica Anderson, Aline Batarseh, and Yosra El Gazzar, editors
Joel Andreas
Ian Angus and Simon Butler
Anthony Arnove, Tony Cliff, Chris Harman, and Ahmed Shawki
Nicole Aschoff
Fatimah Asghar and Safia Elhillo, editors
Wayne Au
Sumaya Awad and brian bean (editors)
Bill Ayers
Andrew J. Bacevich
Quenton Baker
Jeff Bale and Sarah Knopp, editors
Jairus Banaji
Omar Barghouti
Edited by Colin Barker, Gareth Dale, and Neil Davidson
Teresa Aranguren and Sandra Barrilaro, editors
Justine Bateman
Otto Bauer
Brian Bean
Thomas Becker and Linda Farthing
David Beetham
David Belisle and Michael Stipe
Michael Bennett and Dave Zirin
- Things That Make White People Uncomfortable
- Things That Make White People Uncomfortable: Adapted for Young Adults
Leigh Claire La Berge
John Bierhorst
John Bierhorst, translated by José Lucas Badué
Edited by Alisa Bierria, Jakeya Caruthers, and Brooke Lober
- Abolition Feminisms Vol. 1: Organizing, Survival, and Transformative Practice
- Abolition Feminisms Vol. 2: Feminist Ruptures against the Carceral State
Ian Birchall
Paul Le Blanc
Rose Blouin
Michele Bolinger and Dao X. Tran
Cristalle “Psalm One” Bowen
Cheryl Boyce-Taylor
Edited by Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen
George Breitman, Paul Le Blanc, and Alan Wald
Mahogany L. Browne
Dennis Brutus
Susan Buck-Morss
Musa Budeiri
Lesly-Marie Buer
Joe Burns
Peter Camejo
Guglielmo Carchedi and Michael Roberts (editors)
John Carlos with Dave Zirin, Foreword by Cornel West
Rebecca Carroll
Justin Akers Chacón
- Radicals in the Barrio: Magonistas, Socialists, Wobblies, and Communists in the Mexican-American Working Class
- The Border Crossed Us: The Case for Opening the US–Mexico Border
Jenny Chan, Ngai Pun, and Mark Selden
Grace Chang
Cortney Lamar Charleston
Felicia Chavez, Jose Olivarez, Willie Perdomo, editors
Felicia Rose Chavez
Staceyann Chin
Aviva Chomsky and Steve Striffler
Noam Chomsky
- A New Generation Draws the Line: Humanitarian Intervention and the “Responsibility to Protect” Today (Expanded Edition)
- Because We Say So
- Chomsky on Anarchism
- Culture of Terrorism
- Deterring Democracy
- Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
- Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
- Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance
- Hopes and Prospects
- Internationalism or Extinction
- Interventions
- Making the Future: Occupations, Interventions, Empire and Resistance
- Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969 – 2013
- Occupy: Reflections on Class War, Rebellion, and Solidarity (Second Edition)
- On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures
- Power and Terror: Conflict, Hegemony, and the Rule of Force
- Powers and Prospects: Reflections on Nature and the Social Order
- Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. Political Culture
- Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs
- Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace
- What Kind of Creatures Are We?
- World Orders Old and New
- Year 501: The Conquest Continues
- Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution
Noam Chomsky, edited by Michael Albert
Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian
- Chronicles of Dissent: Interviews with David Barsamian, 1984–1996
- Class Warfare: Interviews with David Barsamian
- Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy (The American Empire Project)
- Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World
- Notes on Resistance
- Power Systems: Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire
- Propaganda and the Public Mind
- What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World
Noam Chomsky, Charles Derber, Suren Moodliar, and Paul Shannon
Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
- After the Cataclysm: The Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume II
- The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism: The Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume I
Noam Chomsky and James Kelman
Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé, edited by Frank Barat
- Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on the US-Israeli War Against the Palestinians (Second Edition)
- On Palestine
Noam Chomsky and C. J. Polychroniou
- A Livable Future is Possible: Confronting the Threats to Our Survival
- Illegitimate Authority: Facing the Challenges of Our Time
- Optimism Over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change
- The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic, and the Urgent Need for Social Change
Noam Chomsky and Marv Waterstone
Joseph Choonara
Todd Chretien, editor
Christine Shearer. Illustrated by Kaz Clarke
Tony Cliff and Duncan Hallas
Pinko Collective
The Debt Collective, Astra Taylor
Clifford D. Conner
New Jersey Prison Theater Cooperative
José Corrêa Leite
David Correia
- An Enemy Such as This: Larry Casuse and the Struggle Against Colonialism through One Family on Two Continents over Three Centuries
- Set the Earth on Fire: The Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 and the Birth of the Police
David Correia and Tyler Wall
David Cortright
Mariame Kaba. Illustrated by Olly Costello
Kevin Coval
Kevin Coval and Idris Goodwin
Kevin Coval, Quraysh Ali Lansana and Nate Marshall
Judy Cox
Robert P. Crease and Charles C. Mann
The African American Policy Forum. Edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Paul D’Amato
Hamid Dabashi
- Iran in Revolt: Revolutionary Aspirations in a Post-Democratic World
- On Edward Said: Remembrance of Things Past
Ralph Darlington
Eugene V. Debs. Tim Davenport and David Walters, editors
- Selected Works of Eugene V. Debs, Volume II: The Rise and Fall of the American Railway Union, 1892–1896
- Selected Works of Eugene V. Debs, Volume III: The Path to a Socialist Party, 1897–1904
- The Selected Works of Eugene V. Debs, Vol. I: Building Solidarity on the Tracks, 1877-1892
Tim Davenport and David Walters, editors
Neil Davidson
- Holding Fast to an Image of the Past: Essays on Marxism and History
- How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions?
- Nation-States: Consciousness and Competition
- We Cannot Escape History: Marxism, Transitions, and Revolutions
- What Was Neoliberalism? Studies in the Most Recent Phase of Capitalism, 1973-2008
Angela Y. Davis
Angela Y. Davis, edited by Frank Barat
Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie (editors)
Ben Davis
- 9.5 Theses on Art and Class and Other Writings
- Art in the After-Culture: Capitalist Crisis and Cultural Strategy
James C. Davis
Mike Davis
- Be Realistic: Demand the Impossible
- Dead Cities: And Other Tales
- In Praise of Barbarians: Essays Against Empire
Mike Davis and Justin Akers Chacón
Ashley Dawson
Ashley Dawson and Bill V. Mullen
Susie Day
Siddhartha Deb
Eric Dickerson and Greg Hanlon
Aaron Dixon
Tarik Dobbs
Hal Draper
Peter Dwyer and Leo Zeilig
Steve Early
Stuart Easterling
Tom Engelhardt
- A Nation Unmade By War
- Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single Superpower World
- The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s
- The United States of Fear
Nick Estes
Eve L. Ewing
Rory Fanning
Samuel Farber
- Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment
- The Politics of Che Guevara: Theory and Practice
Sara R. Farris (editor)
Dianne Feeley, Paul Le Blanc, and Thomas Twiss (editors)
John Feffer
Camonghne Felix
Annie Finch (editor)
Jordan Flaherty
Alison Flowers
Philip Foner (editor)
- Black Panthers Speak
- Clara Zetkin: Selected Writings
- Organized Labor and the Black Worker, 1619-1981
- The Letters of Joe Hill (Introduction by Tom Morello)
- Women and the American Labor Movement
Dana Frank
- Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America
- The Long Honduran Night: Resistance, Terror, and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup
Joshua Frank
Katherine Franke
Kamau Franklin, Micah Herskind, and Mariah Parker, editors
Krista Franklin
David H. Freedman and Charles C. Mann
Diane Fujino and Matef Harmachis
Chanelle Gallant and Elene Lam
Emerald Garner
Phil Gasper
Dan Georgakas and Marvin Surkin
Emmanuel Gerard and Bruce Kuklick
Silvia Giagnoni
Toni Gilpin
- The Long Deep Grudge: A Story of Big Capital, Radical Labor, and Class War in the American Heartland
Ray Ginger
Guido Girgenti and Varshini Prakash, editors
Edited by Aracelis Girmay
Henry A. Giroux
Aaron Glantz
Vivien Goldman
Mike Gonzalez
Amy Goodman
Amy Goodman and David Goodman
- Standing Up to the Madness
- Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who Fight Back
- The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan
Idris Goodwin
Corrine Goria, editor
Laura Gottesdiener
Doug Enaa Greene
Glenn Greenwald
Henryk Grossman
Arun Gupta
Toufic Haddad and Tikva Honig-Parnass
Elaine Hagopian
Jesse Hagopian
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall
Duncan Hallas
Adam Hanieh
Neil Harding
James Connolly (edited by Shaun Harkin)
Chris Harman
Sidney L. Harring
Nigel Harris
Betsy Hartmann
Shira Hassan
Howie Hawkins
Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba
Paul Heideman
Rohini Hensman
Rachel Herzing and Justin Piché
Marc Lamont Hill
Noor Hindi
Edited by Daniel HoSang and Kimberlé Crenshaw
Craig Hodges and Rory Fanning
Tikva Honig-Parnass
Jeanelle K. Hope, Bill V. Mullen
Iraq Veterans Against the War and Aaron Glantz
Harold Isaacs
George Jackson
Robert “Scoop” Jackson
Sean Jacobs and Jon Soske
Dahr Jamail
- Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Reporter in Occupied Iraq
- The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption
- The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan
Brionne Janae
Derrick Jensen
- A Language Older Than Words
- Listening to the Land
- Strangely Like War: The Global Assault on Forests
- The Culture of Make Believe
- Thought to Exist in the Wild: Awakening from the Nightmare of Zoos
- Walking on Water: Reading, Writing and Revolution
- Welcome to the Machine: Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control
Ann Jones
Denisha Jones and Jesse Hagopian
Mariame Kaba
Mariame Kaba, Illustrated by Bianca Diaz
Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, eds.
Sanjak Kak (editor)
Remi Kanazi
Britteney Black Rose Kapri
Danny Katch
- America’s Got Democracy! The Making of the World’s Longest Running Reality Show
- Socialism…Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation (Revised & Updated Edition)
- Why Bad Governments Happen to Good People
James Kelman
Michael Kidron, edited by Richard Kuper
Mimi E. Kim, Cameron Rasmussen, and Durrell M. Washington
Edited by Alice Kim, Erica Meiners, and Jill Petty
Ira Kipnis
Naomi Klein
- No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need
- On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
- The Battle For Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists
Naomi Klein, with Rebecca Stefoff
Deepa Kumar
Rachel Kuo, Jaimee Swift, Tiffany Tso, editors
Mohammed El- Kurd
Zhandarka Kurti and Jarrod Shanahan
Winona LaDuke
- All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life
- Recovering the Sacred: The Power of Naming and Claiming
LaVaca Collective
Quraysh Ali Lansana and Georgia Popoff
Rob Larson
- Bit Tyrants: The Political Economy of Silicon Valley
- Mastering the Universe: The Obscene Wealth of the Ruling Class, What They Do with Their Money, and Why You Should Hate Them Even More
Don Lash
Victoria Law
Paul Le Blanc
- A Short History of the U.S. Working Class: From Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century
- Black Liberation and the American Dream: The Struggle for Racial and Economic Justice
- From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics
- Left Americana
- Lenin and the Revolutionary Party
- Revolutionary Studies: Theory, History, People
- The Living Flame: The Revolutionary Passion of Rosa Luxemburg
- Unfinished Leninism: The Rise and Return of Revolutionary Doctrine
Marisol LeBrón and Yarimar Bonilla
John Patrick Leary
V.I. Lenin
Jeremy Lent
Eric J. Lerner
Hanna Lévy-Hass
Sophie Lewis
Richard C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin
David Palumbo- Liu
Michael Löwy
- On Changing the World: Essays in Political Philosophy, from Karl Marx to Walter Benjamin
- The Politics of Combined and Uneven Development: The Theory of Permanent Revolution
Lydia Lunch
Rosa Luxemburg
Kari Lydersen
Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd
Staughton Lynd
- Doing History From the Bottom Up: On E.P. Thompson, Howard Zinn, and Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below
- My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd’s Speeches, Writings, Statements and Interviews Against the Vietnam War
Alan Maass
Doug Macdougall
- Frozen Earth: The Once and Future Story of Ice Ages
- Nature’s Clocks: How Scientists Measure the Age of Almost Everything
- Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future
Moshé Machover
Mahmood Mamdani
- Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism
- Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror
- Neither Settler Nor Native: The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities
- Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror
Charles C. Mann
- 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
- 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created
- The Wizard and the Prophet Two Remarkable Scientists and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow’s World
Charles C. Mann and Mark Plummer
Charles C. Mann and Rebecca Stefoff
Thomas Mann
Manning Marable, Edited by Leith Mullings
Jen Marlowe and Martina Davis-Correia, with Troy Anthony Davis
Mike Marqusee
Maya Marshall
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Edited by Phil Gasper
Gerald Mast
Gerald Mast and Bruce Kawin
Lyle C. May
Eamonn McCann
Alfred W. McCoy
- In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power
- To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change
Joyce McDougall
- The Many Faces of Eros: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Human Sexuality
- Theaters of the Body: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychosomatic Illness
- Theaters of the Mind: Illusion and Truth on the Psychoanalytic Stage
Scott McLemee and Paul Le Blanc (editors)
David McNally
Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston
Caits Meissner
H. Melt
Seán Mitchell
Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Dr. Linda Carty (editors)
Alfredo Molano, with Aviva Chomsky
John Molyneux
Justin Rovillos Monson
Kim Moody
- Breaking the Impasse: Electoral Politics, Mass Action, and the New Socialist Movement in the United States
- In Solidarity: Essays on Working-Class Organization and Strategy in the United States
- On New Terrain: How Capital Reshaped the Battleground of Class War
- Tramps and Trade Union Travelers: Internal Migration and Organized Labor in Gilded Age America, 1870-1900
Natalie Y. Moore
Tom Morello
Umair Muhammad
Ruth Wilson Gilmore. Edited by Naomi Murakawa
Donna Murch
Premilla Nadasen
Mark Naison
Yang Erche Namu and Christine Mathieu
Katherine Natanel and Ilan Pappé
Charlotte Nekola and Paula Rabinowitz, editors
Truman Nelson
Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini
Joseph Nevins, with photographs by Mizue Aizeki
Trevor Ngwane, Luke Sinwell, and Immanuel Ness
Lizzie O’Shea
José Olivarez
José Olivarez and Antonio Salazar
Göran Olsson (editor), Foreword by Danny Glover
Göran Hugo Olsson and Sophie Vukovic
Vicky Osterweil
Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin (editors)
Edited by Leo Panitch, Greg Albo, and Alan Zuege
Alexa Patrick
Mark Pavlick (editor)
Lorgia García Peña
Jewish Voice for Peace
William A. Pelz
Willie Perdomo
Clément Petitjean
Frances Fox Piven
Vijay Prashad, with Frank Barat
Catarina Principé and Bhaskar Sunkara (Editors)
Stanford Graphic Novel Project
John J. Pullen
- Joshua Chamberlain: A Hero’s Life and Legacy
- The Twentieth Maine: A Classic, the Story of Joshua Chamberlain and his Volunteer Regiment
Alexander Rabinowitch
Barbara Ransby
John Reed
Hao Ren, Zhongjin Li and Eli Friedman
James Ridgeway
Boots Riley
Michael Roberts
William Robinson
Nancy Rosenstock
Tracy Rosenthal and Leonardo Vilchis
Marta Russell
Mahdi Sabbagh, editor
Brynn Saito and Brandon Shimoda, editors
Steven Salaita
Ilario Salucci, with Tariq Ali
John Sayles
- A Moment in the Sun
- Dillinger in Hollywood: New and Selected Short Stories
- Los Gusanos: A Novel
- Pride of the Bimbos
- Silver City and Other Screenplays
- The Anarchists’ Convention and Other Stories
- Union Dues
- Yellow Earth
Jeremy Scahill
- Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army
- Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield
Maya Schenwar, Joe Macaré, Alana Yu-lan Price, Alicia Garza
Maya Schenwar and Kim Wilson, editors
Michael Schwartz
Kim Scipes
Lance Selfa
- The Democrats: A Critical History (Updated Edition)
- The Struggle for Palestine
- US Politics in an Age of Uncertainty: Essays on a New Reality
Richard Seymour
Silky Shah
Sonia Shah
Diamond Sharp
Ahmed Shawki
Wallace Shawn
Christine Shearer
Fan Shigang
Helen Shiller
Brynn Saito and Brandon Shimoda, editors
Greg Shotwell
Jael Silliman, Marlene Gerber Fried, Loretta Ross, Elena Gutierrez
Daniel Singer
- Deserter from Death: Dispatches from Western Europe, 1950–2000
- Prelude to Revolution: France in May 1968
Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini
Calvin John Smiley
Barbara Ellen Smith
David N. Smith, illustrations by Phil Evans
David N. Smith, illustrations by Mike Mosher
Sharon Smith
- Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the United States (Updated Edition)
- Women and Socialism: Class, Race, and Capital
Rebecca Solnit
Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua, editors
Andalusia K. Soloff
Susan Southard
Richard Stacewicz
Arnold Stead
Rebecca Stefoff and Charles Darwin
Wen Stephenson
Michael Stipe
Dan “Sully” Sullivan
Edited by Mike Taber
- Reform, Revolution, and Opportunism: Debates in the Second International, 1900–1910
- Under the Socialist Banner: Resolutions of the Second International, 1889–1912
Vanessa Tait
Ronald Takaki
- A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America
- A Larger Memory: A History of Our Diversity, with Voices
- Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II
- Hiroshima: Why America Dropped the Atomic Bomb
- Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans
Claudia Tate, editor
Astra Taylor
Flint Taylor
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
- From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation: Expanded Second Edition
- How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective
Dennis Tedlock
The Foundry Theatre
Hadas Thier
Etan Thomas
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Eric Toussaint
Voice of Witness. Edited by Dao X. Tran
Leon Trotsky
Ricky Tucker
Nick Turse
- Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead: War and Survival in South Sudan
- The Changing Face of Empire: Special Ops, Drones, Spies, Proxy Fighters, Secret Bases, and Cyber Warfare
- Tomorrow’s Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa
Elizabeth R. Varon
Rebecca Vilkomerson and Alissa Wise
José Luis Vilson
Hope Wabuke
Harsha Walia
Alissa Quart and David Wallis, editors
Craig Walzer, editor
John Washington
Jeffery R. Webber
- Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales
- The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left
Brandon Weber
Lois Weiner
Lee Wengraf
Mark Wilkerson, Foreword by Phil Donahue
Chris Williams
Dar Williams
Jeffrey Wilson
Voice of Witness
- How We Go Home: Voices from Indigenous North America
- Mi Maria: Surviving the Storm
- Say it Forward: A Guide to Social Justice Storytelling
- Six by Ten: Stories from Solitary
- Solito, Solita: Crossing Borders with Youth Refugees from Central America
Sherry Wolf
Richard D. Wolff
- Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
- Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism
- The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself
- Understanding Marxism
- Understanding Socialism
Jamie Woodcock
Jamila Woods, Mahogany L. Browne, and Idrissa Simmonds
Erik Olin Wright
Writers for the 99%
Seema Yasmin
Mateo Zapata
Leo Zeilig
Clara Zetkin, edited by Mike Taber and John Riddell
Howard Zinn
- A People’s History of the United States: 1492–Present
- A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
- Disobedience and Democracy: Nine Fallacies of Law and Order
- Emma
- Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian
- Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works
- LaGuardia in Congress
- Marx in Soho: A Play on History
- New Deal Thought
- Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice
- Postwar America: 1945–1971
- SNCC: The New Abolitionists
- The Bomb: Essays
- The Historic Unfulfilled Promise
- The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known
- The Politics of History
- The Southern Mystique
- The Twentieth Century: A People’s History
- Three Plays – The Political Theater of Howard Zinn: Emma / Marx in Soho / The Daughter of Venus
- Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal
- You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times
Howard Zinn, edited by Anthony Arnove
Howard Zinn and David Barsamian
Howard Zinn, edited by Dean Birkenkamp and Wanda Rhudy
Howard Zinn, Kathy Emery, and Ellen Reeves
Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin D. G. Kelley
Howard Zinn and George Kirschner
Howard Zinn and Donaldo Macedo
Howard Zinn, edited by Timothy Patrick McCarthy
Howard Zinn and Rebecca Stefoff
Dave Zirin
- Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, The Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy (Updated Edition)
- Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics, and Promise of Sports
- What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States